Definitions of Nature & Its Phenomena: A Primer on Cosmology & Ontology by Ken Wheeler


Introduction to the Book

Definitions of Nature & Its Phenomena: A Primer on Cosmology & Ontology by Ken Wheeler is an expansive glossary of critical concepts, terminologies, and metaphysical insights. This work bridges ancient philosophical traditions, particularly those of Pythagoras and Plato, with Wheeler’s unique interpretations of field theory, counterspace, and the Ether. The text is both a reference guide and an exploration of the profound principles underlying the mechanics of the universe, challenging conventional physics and atomistic materialism.

About the Author

Ken Wheeler is an independent scholar whose works focus on metaphysics, magnetism, and field theory. Known for his bold challenges to mainstream scientific paradigms, Wheeler integrates insights from ancient philosophy, Tesla’s theories, and modern field mechanics to offer an alternative perspective on nature and its phenomena.

Key Themes and Concepts

1. The Ether and Counterspace

  • The Ether is presented as the fundamental medium of the universe, characterized by potential and inertia.
  • Wheeler contrasts the Ether with Atomism, emphasizing that all fields (e.g., electromagnetic, dielectric, magnetic) are modalities of the Ether.
  • Counterspace is described as the realm of pure potential, the inverse of Cartesian space, and the foundation of all energy and phenomena.

2. Field Theory and Conjugate Systems

  • Wheeler introduces the conjugate nature of fields: dielectric (inertia and acceleration) and magnetic (force and motion).
  • The interplay between these fields gives rise to space, time, and all observed phenomena.
  • The geometries of the torus and hyperboloid are explored as representations of magnetic and dielectric fields, respectively.

3. Critique of Atomism and Quantum Theory

  • Atomism is critiqued as a flawed materialistic paradigm that fails to define energy, fields, or the nature of light.
  • Wheeler challenges the existence of particles like electrons, presenting them as conceptual reifications of field phenomena.
  • Quantum mechanics and relativity are dismissed as pseudo-sciences built on mathematical abstractions rather than empirical reality.

4. Magnetism, Dielectricity, and Gravity

  • Magnetism is defined as the loss of dielectric inertia, manifesting as force and motion.
  • Gravity is reinterpreted as incoherent dielectric acceleration rather than a unique force.
  • The role of the plane of inertia in magnetic systems is emphasized as a point of balance and counterspace.

5. Light and Energy

  • Light is not a particle, wave, or emission but a coaxial circuit of dielectric and magnetic induction.
  • Wheeler critiques the conventional concept of the “speed of light,” proposing instead that light’s propagation is a rate of induction within the Ether.
  • Energy is described as the potential within the Ether, misinterpreted by mainstream science as a physical entity.

6. Cosmology and Ontology

  • The universe is explained through metaphysical principles rooted in ancient philosophies.
  • Concepts such as the indefinite dyad, incommensurability, and Emanationism provide a framework for understanding the nature of existence and phenomena.
  • Wheeler integrates Neoplatonic and Pythagorean principles with modern field theory to propose a unified cosmological model.

Glossary Highlights

The text features an extensive glossary of terms and concepts, including but not limited to:


  • The medium of pure potential and the source of all fields and energy.


  • The inverse of Cartesian space, representing non-dimensional potential.

Dielectric and Magnetic Fields

  • The conjugate pair governing all field phenomena.
  • Dielectricity represents inertia and potential, while magnetism manifests as force and motion.


  • The principle of unmeasurable unity underlying the cosmos, central to Pythagorean and Platonic thought.


  • Reinterpreted as dielectric acceleration rather than a distinct force.


  • A coaxial circuit within the Ether, challenging the particle-wave duality of mainstream science.

Plane of Inertia

  • The null-point between dielectric and magnetic fields, representing balance and counterspace.


Definitions of Nature & Its Phenomena is a comprehensive guide that redefines fundamental concepts in physics and metaphysics. Wheeler’s interpretations challenge mainstream scientific paradigms, offering a holistic view of the universe grounded in ancient wisdom and modern field theory. This text is an essential resource for those seeking to explore the deeper mechanics of reality and the metaphysical principles that underpin existence.