[English Translation] Skycentrism / Niebocentryzm examples of observations

Original source : [04] Żabka myślała, że jest na…, a tym czasem okazało się, że żabka jest w…, czyli Niebocentryzm, kasujący wszystkie teorie i kłamstwa. – Polacy!!! Wyskakujemy z gara!!!

Translated to English

Evidence that we live inside a sphere, in the earth:

  • Proof [01] is geodesy
  • Evidence [02] is the visibility of distant objects
  • Evidence [03] is the binocular effect
  • Proof [04] is a flat horizon at any height and distance
  • Evidence [05] is the effect of lighting the glass of the sky - the reflection of the Palace of God
  • Evidence [06] is lighting the clouds from close range
  • Evidence [07] is historical artifacts
  • Evidence [08] is the rockets of “independent” researchers hitting the glass of the sky
  • Evidence [09] is the Neumayer station in Antarctica
  • Evidence [10] is sun simulators

Evidence [01] : Geodesy

The first proof is geodesy, which is the science of determining the size and shape of the earth and determining points on its surface. Thanks to geodesy, we can precisely determine that we live inside a sphere. This is irrefutable evidence and such geodetic measurements were made even before the Satanist Copernicus and each time it turned out that we live inside a sphere. This has been proven time and time again, but it keeps being hushed up by Satanists and swept under the rug. One of the ways to do this today is, for example, inventing crap like flat earth or some kind of cell phone, etc. One such experiment was carried out in 1897 by surveyor Cyrus Teed and professor Ulises Grand Morrow. Namely, they built a construction (rectilineator) used to measure the convexity of the ocean. They just built a great spirit level,

A surveying experiment from 1897, costing 32,000. dollars. A great “level” that showed that we live in the center of a sphere! In the middle of the earth! Pay attention to the very strong anchoring system of the structure. The experiment was conducted during the climax of high tide.
Source: Królewska.TV.

The principle of operation of this device is relatively simple. Namely, the beams connected to each other form a chord. The ends of this several-kilometre-long structure touch the water, and there is a gap in the middle. So from the center of the “level” we have 1.22 m, and at the ends it touches the ground, by what miracle?

To make it easier to understand, because it may be that someone else has a problem with it, I will use graphics from the topic of optics. Graphics from the experience on Lake Turawskie, where you can prove or finally find out where you really live either with a camera or a laser:

The image has an empty alt attribute; file named image-5.png

Exactly! In 1897, they did the same thing only mechanically!
Graphics: KrólewskaTV.

The results were astonishing: In a length of only 3.8 km, the ocean was 1.22 m above the measuring point! So the ocean is concave. The measurements were repeated many times, and the size of the tides was also taken into account. It has also been studied that light bends elliptically upwards, giving the illusion of a convex earth. This experiment, due to the fact that it was carried out by independent researchers, was swept under the carpet by the Satanists ruling the world, and to this day no one has repeated this experience - of course not for financial reasons, because the world elite has our money only for fear of losing power, because it would turn out that they lie to us at every step and the devil would lose his followers. And who is a devil worshiper? Whether you know it or not, the devil’s worshipers are: all who believe in the solar system, into geocentrism, into a flat earth, into an empty Nazi without God inside, into any other option of building the world, all atheists but also so-called believers, Catholics, Muslims, Buddhists, Taoists whatever, why? Because all religions come from solar worship, and who created the sun? Yes, Satan! Therefore, all cults and religions are simply Satan worship. It will be about this in the next part: “How do they do it that frogs don’t understand what’s going on, or theater for goys.” Maybe then some of you will jump out of this cauldron. Therefore, all cults and religions are simply Satan worship. It will be about this in the next part: “How do they do it that frogs don’t understand what’s going on, or theater for goys.” Maybe then some of you will jump out of this cauldron. Therefore, all cults and religions are simply Satan worship. It will be about this in the next part: “How do they do it that frogs don’t understand what’s going on, or theater for goys.” Maybe then some of you will jump out of this cauldron.

Here is a video describing geodesy as evidence of life in the earth. From minute 19:30 there is a base movie, the first one. Because Skycentrism is a topic that is not only fiercely attacked, but also a topic with which something new comes out every now and then. Therefore, the first 19:30 minutes is an extra time for the original film.
Source: Królewska.TV

Another thing came up with this experience. The so-called leveler was used to set the structure described above - our great spirit level. It is an optical, geodetic device that is used to determine the level. When the level was set at a height of 1.4 meters along the beam, along our spirit level, it turned out that the horizon is higher than the cross of the level and shows the sea, and on it a sailing boat!!! The question is, how is that possible when they officially tell us that we live on a sphere? What should a leveled leveler show: the sky or the sea???

The fact that the earth is concave was already proved during the preparation of this experiment with a leveler. It turned out that the cross of the leveler, to put it simply - the leveler “aimed” along a several-kilometer beam - showed the sea, it was lower than the horizon!!!

Evidence [02]: Visibility of distant objects

To begin with, let’s consider how it is possible that the Tatra Mountains can be seen from the distance of 230 kilometers from Salomin? I repeat! From a distance of 230 kilometers!!!

The photo shows: High Tatras
Photo taken from: field above the road Salomin-Zdziechowice (Lubelskie Voivodeship)
Distance: Lodovy Stit – 224 km, Gerlachovsky Stit – 229.4 km
The photo was taken on: 2018-04-20 (19:47), 2018.10.31
Author: Michał Skiba
Camera: Canon EOS 750 D + Sigma 135-400 APO DG @ 300 mm (photos from April),
Canon EOS 750 D + Tamron 150-600 (photos from October)
http://www .far observations.eu/

Now let’s consider how it is possible that the Pyrenees can be seen from the Côte d’Azur? This is a distance of 260 kilometers!!! I repeat again, 260 kilometers!!!

From the Côte d’Azur to the Pyrenees!
How can you see them from such a distance?

Now, yes I know - I’m boring - let’s consider how it is possible that from a height of 400 feet, which is about 120 meters, on a sunny day you can see the skyscrapers of two cities, New York and Philadelphia in opposite directions at the same time, taking in the distance 120 miles, which is almost slightly over 190 kilometers?

Do you understand what I wrote? Take a look at the map. Maybe it’s not a straight line route, but I won’t play with graphics again - I gave a show at the beginning haha. Now imagine you’re in Washington Rock State Park and you see the skyscrapers on the left eye corner in New York and on the right eye corner in Philadelphia. You can see the distance of almost 200 kilometers!!!

Let’s get back to the question often asked here, namely: how is it possible that you can see all these distant objects that should not be visible? This is possible because we simply live in the center of the earth and these objects are in the visibility curve, the light curve that bends upwards, and in the right conditions it is usually tall objects, let’s say, that touch this light curve - the blue line from the horizon - H, on the example of the Pyrenees. Normally we can’t see further than this very blue line which is the range of our visibility, but as you can see from the graph, the peaks of the Pyrenees are within range, they kind of cross that line, and that’s why we see them.

It’s best to watch the video below, then you’ll understand what bluff you’ve been playing since you were a child. That it’s supposed to be an optical illusion: terrestrial superrefraction or that it’s a mirage.

Evidence [03]: The Binocular Effect

First, take a look at the two short videos below that show us what the binocular effect is. And then take a look at the graphic, which explains it in a simple way. NO! I beg! Just don’t leave me with the refraction of light, because it simply doesn’t exist! It’s a system bluff. The experience with water that the light in the glass refracts is linden. The atmosphere is not water!

Here’s a graphic that shows how it is that we see some things and not others.

One good example of the binocular effect is the Brighton experience.

The photo on the left is not zoomed in, the middle is zoomed in. Effect: the horizon after zooming in the image “ran up” and thus the zoom increased the visibility range and “raised” the horizon. This is another proof of the concavity of the ocean and a repetition of the geodesic experience of Skycentrism from 130 years ago.
It is to be checked by each of us!!!

Proof [04]: Flat horizon at all heights and distances

A flat horizon at any height and distance of course does not mean that the earth is flat haha, but that the earth is not spherical and that NASA lies, which uses, for example, the so-called. the fisheye lens gives us a bluff. Lenses of this type can “distort” the horizon even on the ground, at zero height, please take a look at the graphics below, compare it with the video from the camera at 36 km and ask yourself if it doesn’t smell like an old grandfather tore apart and one from the park in shitty allowance? Sorry, but I have to keep the elements of stupidity and pathology because most of you just like it, and I would like as many people as possible not only to believe in it, but to at least hear about it!!! Maybe something in some people’s heads will surprise haha ​​and then the frog will jump out of the pot!!!

Proof [05]: The effect of lighting the glass of the sky - the reflection of the Palace of God

This is the most spectacular proof, which some call the illumination of the sky glass and others the reflection of God’s Palace. Either way, it’s a spectacular phenomenon! A phenomenon thanks to which we can see what the palace of the Most High looks like. Let me remind you that the earth has dimensions as officially reported, i.e. a diameter of 12,742 km, with the fact that we live inside this sphere. In the middle of 100 km above our heads is the so-called. the glass of the sky, i.e. the infamous firmament - it is a large rotating ball (12,542 after subtracting 100 km) in which the entire cosmos is located. Just subtract 1oo km from each side, understand how small you are, let it be 2 meters versus 100 km, understand that light spreads not in a straight line but in a curve, which limits our visibility range and imagine that inside this sphere, in the very center, there is another sphere with a diameter of 6,000 km, and inside it is the rhomboid Palace of God, ie the Heaven of Heavens - with God inside, of course. This is why these so-called three or four suns that the wall of authorities tell you that it is such a weather phenomenon have such a shape, because in certain conditions the sun, or rather its simulators, today illuminate this palace as if from the other side. What else would give such perfect shapes? Again, mother nature, the same as in the case of the remains of connector trees, i.e. sky columns or strange mountains in the shape of petrified giants, gave a show of her creative skills and this time she formulated beautifully and symmetrically ice crystals in the atmosphere, because that’s how they explain it??? that is, Heaven of Heavens - with God in the middle, of course. This is why these so-called three or four suns that the wall of authorities tell you that it is such a weather phenomenon have such a shape, because in certain conditions the sun, or rather its simulators, today illuminate this palace as if from the other side. What else would give such perfect shapes? Again, mother nature, the same as in the case of the remains of connector trees, i.e. sky columns or strange mountains in the shape of petrified giants, gave a show of her creative skills and this time she formulated beautifully and symmetrically ice crystals in the atmosphere, because that’s how they explain it??? that is, Heaven of Heavens - with God in the middle, of course. This is why these so-called three or four suns that the wall of authorities tell you that it is such a weather phenomenon have such a shape, because in certain conditions the sun, or rather its simulators, today illuminate this palace as if from the other side. What else would give such perfect shapes? Again, mother nature, the same as in the case of the remains of connector trees, i.e. sky columns or strange mountains in the shape of petrified giants, gave a show of her creative skills and this time she formulated beautifully and symmetrically ice crystals in the atmosphere, because that’s how they explain it??? because in certain conditions the sun, or rather its simulators, today illuminate this palace as if from the other side. What else would give such perfect shapes? Again, mother nature, the same as in the case of the remains of connector trees, i.e. sky columns or strange mountains in the shape of petrified giants, gave a show of her creative skills and this time she formulated beautifully and symmetrically ice crystals in the atmosphere, because that’s how they explain it??? because in certain conditions the sun, or rather its simulators, today illuminate this palace as if from the other side. What else would give such perfect shapes? Again, mother nature, the same as in the case of the remains of connector trees, i.e. sky columns or strange mountains in the shape of petrified giants, gave a show of her creative skills and this time she formulated beautifully and symmetrically ice crystals in the atmosphere, because that’s how they explain it???

Clouds have a known irregular shape and suddenly some “weather phenomenon” forms so beautifully and symmetrically? But the authority wall will say so on TV and you’re back on track slave who doesn’t know he’s a slave!!!

I personally encountered this phenomenon and it may not have been displayed as in the video that I will post below, but it forces you to ask the question what the hell is it? This made me even more interested in the topic. Understanding comes with time and you will understand more and more if you want! Here is an image from my camera:

PAŁAC W MOJEJ CAMERZE.mp4 - Google Drive
Niebocentryzm Pałac ''Mojego'' Ojca - YouTube
And here are authentic videos with this spectacular proof that we live in the center of the earth, or rather their compilation in one. I recommend watching the whole thing, but if I was making this video, I would first put what is from min. 7:40. Truth has absolute value and is not subject to democracy. This is knowledge, not faith! If you know where you live, you don’t have to believe in any cults or religions anymore, and if you are an atheist, then I already wrote that you are also a passive satanist, because science and religion are the same thing, especially the science of this satanic system in which we all live without exception!

Evidence [06]: Illumination of clouds from close range

Here is the official bluff that is presented to us, and there is no proof of it, except of course such videos, photos and graphics and the voice of authorities. I know most of you will hear or read that American scientists said ha ha or American scientists discovered and concluded and blah blah blah, this is already an indicator for you until they announce something again. Well, think for a moment. Look at the dimensions of the earth and the sun. The diameter of the earth according to the official bluff and in fact they did not lie to us here is 12,734 km - except that it was simply “twisted” to the other side. This whole cosmos outside is actually Agharda - a biblical abyss that can be accessed through holes in the poles and one guy has already done it, but they made him crazy of course - that’s why today both poles are closely guarded by all superpower armies, which proves at the same time about the fact that they cooperate with each other and give us a theater for the gentiles. Let’s go back to the picture. So the dimensions of the earth and only the earth match, but the rest is a bluff. Think and look at the dimensions of the sun and earth given by the system. answer the question

You still don’t get it? Then look at how the sun’s rays spread out. If the sun were as big and as far away as it is presented to us, would the rays propagate in the way shown in the picture above?

You can clearly see that the sun is close to the earth, because if it were, as we are told, it would illuminate the entire surface of such a small planet evenly. And as far as the sun is concerned, sit down now or preferably lie down right now! Do you remember how they trumpeted that the world would end at the turn of 2011/2012? Then came the extinction of the “original” sun and almost a deal between God and Satan. Almost! That’s almost why, because the Satanists who rule this world, the devil’s generation supported by the materialized civilization of demons and its technology from the outer part of the earth (the biblical abyss), which flies inside and scares us by pretending to be a UFO, decided to save this system by mounting sun simulators on the glass of the sky. If it’s a bluff, then why aren’t there any more gentle reddish sunrises and sunsets they just fuck these spotlights from the morning until the evening, so that you can’t look without sunglasses? And it was possible, and even people skeptical about my conspiracy theories confirm it! Why these weather changes over the years? Check for yourself. Well, this is actually another proof and we will describe it in a separate section. And back to the topic, the clouds are illuminated from below, because the rays reflect from the ground and return towards the core of the universe, Heaven of Heaven or simply the Palace of God, if you prefer. Graphics below: because the rays reflect from the earth and return towards the core of the universe, the Heaven of Heaven or simply the Palace of God, if you prefer. Graphics below: because the rays reflect from the earth and return towards the core of the universe, the Heaven of Heaven or simply the Palace of God, if you prefer. Graphics below:

Source: Królewska.TV.

Evidence [07]: Historical Artifacts

Non-centrism has existed from the beginning and has been among ancient cultures all over the earth from the beginning. We know this, among other things, from the symbolism we call Mandala. And what is Mandala? The mandala is a symbol of life in the center of the earth, a sphere - a symbol of Heaven-centeredness and all ancient cultures, before they were completely distorted and twisted by solar cults - i.e. Satanism - preserved and perpetuated this model of life on the Mandala. Don’t be fooled, because they describe it as an “artistic theme”, because they know that you don’t know where you live and you will swallow it.

Babylonian map of the world - the cities are inside the sphere! Description below.

Pay attention to the description, especially to number 18, covered by the cursor in the picture - where the sun is not visible! And where is the sun not visible? Outside the earth of course! Why? Because we live inside the earth and the sun circulates inside, or rather its simulators since at least 2011-2012, when the end of the world was announced so soon. Why? Because the “original sun” then died out and we have its simulators today. It’s not a separate topic, but also another evidence seen, or rather invisible with the naked eye, because today you simply can’t look at the sun without sunglasses! Yes, these are powerful LED lamps and that’s why they shine so brightly. Yes! I know it sounds unbelievable!

Slavic mandala and a diagram of what our world looks like next to it.

There were, of course, plenty of historical artifacts. But there are none. Do you already know why, apart from killing the smartest people, there were both world wars? In order to destroy evidence, historical artifacts.

Evidence [08]: Rockets of “independent” researchers hitting the glass of the sky

I think I’ve already mentioned that the so-called “flat earthers”, i.e. those who believe in the flat earth theory, are often useful in proving and confirming Skycentrism, because in both flat earth and Skycentrism there is “something” above our heads. Flat earthers say it’s a dome that covers the flat earth. Non-centrics that it’s firmamemt, i.e. the glass of the sky, the line of Karman, the so-called in both cases, this “something” is above our heads. These people in the video below have either been fooled a second time because flat earth is also satanism and they are passive satanists without even knowing it, or they are conscious satanists, part of the system because why didn’t they turn the camera in the direction of flight? Because it would turn out that there is no dome, only a rotating sphere above us? Why is the camera facing down?

It is possible that they themselves have not yet heard of Sky-centrism, but in this experiment they confirmed Sky-centrism.

Nevertheless, these “flat earthers” proved in this experiment that there is something above us! If someone has already become familiar with Skycentrism, he will not be able to push any other crap, including flat earth! So if it’s people of the system, they shot the system beautifully in the knee.

Evidence [09]: Neumayer Station in Antarctica

Neumayer Station is a research station in Antarctica. The video below shows the unusual illumination of the moon. I suppose that here many of you from what I have figured out, like the rest of you, will have a problem understanding this, because you probably were not particularly interested in the phases of the moon. Why? Because these are things, at least difficult, especially when you actually see something else and it’s hard to understand. In general, official science is difficult! Why? Because they teach us things that don’t exist! They’re teaching us to bluff! That’s why children have such problems in schools, because how can you understand something that someone just invented?

Evidence [10]: Sun simulators

Maybe I’m repeating myself, but do you remember how the imminent end of the world was announced at the turn of 2011/2012? I remember and now that I have come to what it really is, I understand that we are living in the end times of the end times. Namely, the point is that the deal between God and Satan is coming to an end. Those who rule this system, the satanic system, i.e. our world as I described at the beginning, those after the Ice Age simply save the system by replacing the original sun, or rather a sun radiator that has expired with artificial sun simulators, so-called LED stations, which sometimes fail and themselves they blink like in the video below. From 04:50 it blinks for 30 seconds, then from 07:00 it briefly blurs and takes irregular shapes. With the rest, watch the whole thing yourself and without fucking and translating to me here,

And here in the video below, the next “sunshine” breaks down! The original sun was made of the fruit of the Pillar of Heaven, the Tree of Eden. Why? Because it was just a fiber optic connector and in our inner cosmos there is radiation, the energy that the sun was powered by. Aleee! This was not its original purpose. And if something is used contrary to the intended use, it fails. Therefore, in the end, the original sun died out. Currently, there are several or a dozen sun simulators attached to the glass of the sky - the firmament. They take energy from the ether just like Tesla did. Tesla was very inconvenient for the system, because if humanity knew about his true and all discoveries, we would not be framed for oil, gas and coal, and electricity would be free! But that’s a slightly different topic.

In addition, notice how strong the sun is. I remember the times, and it was just a few years ago, that you could look at the sun even at noon and without sunglasses. Do it today without sunglasses! The light is so strong that I would have gone off the road more than once because I just couldn’t see where I was going. And also sunrises and sunsets were reddish, orange and today? She fucked from the very east to the west at full throttle! Haven’t you noticed? Are you going to check now to see if there’s anything in it?

We believe in bluffs!!!

We have the evidence above, so now it would be appropriate to list those things that confirm us that we are just living outside in the great infinite cosmos and still, which has no confirmation, we are evolving. Remember that there is only one truth and there are a million lies that obscure it. Truth is also an absolute value, whether someone likes it or not and is not subject to democracy, so you can’t choose what suits you!

  • Bluff [01] It starts when we are little. Children trust adults, so they take what adults tell them for granted. And the adults who rule know that the human subconscious is shaped at the turn of 5-8 years and that’s why they want you to send your children to the educational system as soon as possible, read the breeding system. What for? So that later this slave who does not even know that he is a slave in the future will automatically laugh at someone like me!!! All you have to do is say something that deviates from the general “truth” and you meet with an automatic uploaded reaction. Why? Because the subconscious is our operating system! Everything you read here you denied automatically without even thinking!!! I’m wrong? I think not, and that is why we are brainwashed from an early age, i.e. educated, i.e. we are brought up on globes and Copernicus, who as I mentioned was a satanist - part of the system like Einstein who ruled out Aether min. in your theories, so that today, instead of drawing free energy from the Ether, you would fuck off and pay for oil, electricity and gas:

  • The bluff [02] It starts when you’re an adult and you’ve already forgotten what school is and you start to feel something doesn’t feel right and you start asking questions and what? And there is a wall of authorities on TV and they say yes and no other way, and what? And you don’t ask any more questions because they are smart people! Because a wall of unverifiable authorities said something and you believed it! So how is science different from religion? Priests here and there!

  • Bluff [03] is Nasa’s actions, which, like authorities, are supposed to confirm you that you live outside the earth in the great cosmos. In one of the videos, astronauts are carelessly roaming around the moon, joking and fooling around. If you were in a place completely unknown to man, in oxygen and pressure equipment that can break down and not only it, so far from home, from the ground, because they tell us that 370,000 kilometers, would you be joking, jumping and fooling around? would you rather be focused, tense, focused, serious? NASA has a lot of mishaps. They don’t even try because they know most people are morons! Astronauts suspended on the lines that you can see, air bubbles in space haha, or rather in the pool, because they have film studios and also with swimming pools, where they are shooting space for you. There are tons of videos revealing such mishaps, but be on the lookout because a lot are made by so-called flat earthers, i.e. a system to simply redirect you from one bluff to another. Everything can be according to them, even other dimensions and cellular and sage-turtle earth - as long as it’s not this Heaven-centeredness, as long as it’s not God in the middle!!!

Actually, I accelerated a bit too much, because these bluffs, together with other performances for the esteemed gentile audience, i.e. for you, should be presented in the next part "[05] How do they make frogs not understand what is going on, or theater for gentiles .” So I won’t rush, and there is already a lot to read in this part. The outline of this and previous parts has been ready for a long time, but as I mentioned, I don’t always have time, especially that a few days ago I just finished a video on you tube, which was very time-consuming. This film is, in a sense, a reflection of this part, a shortcut. With music, because you like it. Stupid because you like it. With extreme, because you like it. This is my social engineering game that is, in stupidity, I am trying to tell you the most important thing - that there is such a thing as Skycentrism! That you are not an evolving mote in the universe! That life is no accident! That you are a one-of-a-kind creature, and the earth you live in is your only home that you should take care of! The fact that everything has its purpose and is subject to a law that is not accidental and wise, and I am not talking about the statutory law that applies everywhere in the era of Satan, i.e. today’s world - religious laws are also statutory and satanic, because all religions are a satanic cult like I already mentioned! The fact that this bluff instilled in you from childhood opens the way to various theories such as: big bang, evolution, aliens, atomic bomb, gravity and many more! And then he sits so pissed because he reads nuuuus, that they admitted it! Some general, some scientist announced that UFOs are being tracked and there will be an invasion of aliens. Some asteroid is going 44,000 km/h and this time it’s going to blow us up! The world on the brink of war, this one fired ago, and yet this and that have an atomic arsenal! Oh what will it be?! What will it be?! And they feed on your fear fallen ones and they draw energy from you!!! Simply put, as in the title: Niebocentryzm deletes all the nonsense and theories that you have been fed since childhood!!!

I see! Interesting thing. After posting the video on May 21, 2019, I don’t know how, because I didn’t even expect it, but compared to my previous videos in a few days, it was displayed as many times as those for four months, which actually proves that you love the stupidity that is here in order to show that there is such a thing as Skycentrism, I applied it. And so on May 26 there were 153 views, and the next day already 91! You tuber is a Sunday for me, but from what I know, the more views, the greater the reach of the video. So what? Well, it hurts motherfuckers Skycentrism!!! THEY ARE AFRAID OF UN-CENTRISM!!! THEY ARE AFRAID OF THE TRUTH!!! BECAUSE WITH THIS TRUTH YOU COULD KICK THEM INTO THEIR FAITH SPACE!!!

As a Conscious Frog perpetum mobile, i.e. wordpress, you tube and google drive, just in case, I put a link to the table of contents, where the movie is, i.e. a link to it. I’m finishing this part, as usual, I greet all Conscious Frogs ha ha and in general may you be blessed, multiply and bloom

[04] Żabka thought she was in …, and this time it turned out that the frog was in …, i.e. Skycentrism, erasing all theories and lies.

Conscious Frog No category 28 Maj 2019 36 Minutes

”I know that the very idea that our Earth is hollow inside, and we, together with the sun, moon, and stars, and of course with the Palace of God, i.e. with God, are inside an “empty” sphere, sounds like madness. But, slowly….

In order to believe that we really live inside a sphere, in the earth, you must first believe that the world is ruled by satanists who form secret societies and it is they who rule through them and give us a theater here for the gentiles by means that described in previous sections. A theater for the Gentiles, that is us. And politicians are their puppets, who are not even aware of what they are involved in, although many are insiders, such as Hillary Clinton, who knows how the world is built and knows Who is at the center of this world. Ha, lest someone think that I am for Trump haha ​​- Trump is just the other side of the same coin, just like Tony Blair and Sadam Hussein - both high level freemasons. But more on that in the Gentile Theater in the next section.

Hillary Clinton knows there is a firmament above us!

From min 01:25, “We just put the biggest crack in the glass ceiling”, which in simple Polish simply means we will break this glass ceiling. Question: what glass ceiling? NO! NO! There is no such phraseology! I’ve been researching from multiple sources and no one knows what the fuck is going on with this ceiling. The so-called “flat earthers” are certainly happy about this, i.e. those who believe in the flat earth theory, and do not know that it was the system that refreshed this theory, because it was already there, just to mask the Skycentrism, because flat earthers claim that above us is a glass dome. Just look at the dates of the Skycentric and flat earth movies and you’ll see that flat was later. Also note that in the flat theory of the construction of the world there is no God! In Skycentrism He is the basis of everything!!!

Without this, i.e. without understanding that the world, this system is run by Satanists, you will not understand why someone would make this theater. Why would anyone lie about the construction of the world and many other things. I gradually raise this topic in previous parts and maybe the content contained there may sound unbelievable to you, but it is crucial to understand anything at all.

If you were the satanists, wouldn’t it be easier for you to exercise power if you literally turned people’s backs to God, who is right in the center of this sphere of ours? You are told that you are a speck in the universe, some kind of infinite, created in the way of evolution. If people understood this, you would lose power, because people would know the truth, and this system is based only on lies.

So the real purpose of helicentrism, geocentrism, flat earth and Hitler promoted the so called hollow earth for the purposes of confusion is to hide God’s true location! Not to be confused with religion! Not to be confused with faith! Let’s list the theories of the construction of the world again. So today you know heliocentrism, there was geocentrism, there’s the second counter in the devil’s shop, which is flat earth, and they even invented cell earth or something, not to mention the Nazi theory of an empty earth, but totally empty without God inside. By the way, did you know that Hitler was a Jesuit? Mein Kampf was written by the Jesuit who was leading it - not him! But more on that in the next part, theater for the gentiles. Not bastards, just goys.:wink: Well, let’s throw in the hated Skycentrism or Theocentrism actually, if you prefer. I have one question, namely:

Which of all these world-building theories includes God? And in the middle too!? Which of these theories is the most contested and why? The answer is simple! It’s Skycentrism! Why? Because it has God inside! And who rules this world since the fall of the so-called Golden Age, i.e. the original world created by God, i.e. after the Ice Age, when a deal was made between God and Satan? Well, Satanists, descendants of fallen angels, hybrids. Who promotes globes in schools? Come on Satanists! And who hates God? Come on Satanists! What does Satan want to create? Your own world, get rid of God and take his place. In the existential sense, it will never be able to do it, but in this system it has already done it! Where is the sun in the solar system? In the center! And who made the sun? Satan! Satan has placed himself at the very center of the world. This world, which you have been pushing into your head from an early age, so it is not surprising that you will negate it all right away. All religions and cults on earth, or rather in the earth, are solar cults - yes, for the record.

I remind you from the part “[01] Girl says start a blog and don’t torment me with your conspiracy theories” that there is only one truth in the world and millions of lies that obscure it and a few other more or less clever slogans…… https://polacywypoczemyzgara. home.blog/2018/12/07/girl-says-start-a-blog-and-don’t-match-me-with-your-conspiracy-theories-%f0%9f%a4%a3/

There is only one truth in the world and millions of lies that obscure it!

Telling the truth is fucking hard hahaha!

Remember that today’s heliocentrism, which we are taught from childhood, necessarily has no evidence. It has explanations that are given as evidence and a wall of unverifiable authorities to dissuade you from asking questions in your adult life. Yes, I already wrote that the media is part of the system. Skycentrism, on the other hand, you can check for yourself with binoculars by the sea or go to the Côte d’Azur and you will see the Pyrenees from a distance of 263 km, which is impossible, because we live on a sphere. This can also be done with a camera, as in the video below. Exactly optics, one of the main evidence you can get yourself, and how do you check this NASA drivel? Will you fly into space? Oh no, but priests in white coats, called scientists, will tell you everything just like an imam or a priest or some other shaman in another cult. Why? Because science is also religion, only that it is called religion. Besides, science has satanic roots. You are no different, modern atheist, from the staunchest Islamist or Catholic as some call it. By the way, to atheists: how is it that Catholicism bothers you and Islam doesn’t? Do you see how they control you?

An optical experience that you can check for yourself. When you zoom on a leveled and immobilized camera, your horizon will rise!!!
Question: How does the horizon rise when we live outside the sphere?

Before we get into the evidence, check out the video below. More and more people see the lies of the system and wake up. It’s not only Królewska.Tv who makes films about Skycentrism and it’s good that people wake up, but compared to the whole society, there are only a handful of people who are aware of it. And since they invented democracy and the majority rules, which is also untrue because you have absolutely no influence on anything, that’s how it is. And it’s not going well! If you already know where you live, you can learn a lot here is a link to a channel about Skycentrism: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCthT0XsA4k_byHs8Ep7z28w/featuredbut remember that if you don’t understand the basics of Skycentrism, you don’t twist the shit that you were pushed from an early age to the other side, you will say that they are crazy. Some movies are hard to understand if you don’t understand where you live and how the world is built, but the evidence is clear and understanding comes with time. More and more people are trying to inform the rest of the blind cattle about this, because that’s who you are and you are co-responsible for all the bad things that are going on here and please don’t be offended, because everything is happening with your consent, which comes from your ignorance, as described in the previous sections, i.e. according to natural law. You agree to be fucked - so they fuck you! And it doesn’t matter if it’s conscious or not!
A jednak żyjemy w środku kuli - oni nas okłamali - YouTube
Evidence that we live in the center of the earth and the one with God inside - not some totally empty one promoted by Hitler, to be clear!

!!! !!! If you don’t like history to Don’t be discouraged, skip straight to the evidence below. The subheadings will be highlighted in blue below, like this. !!! !!!

It is appropriate here to outline the fast history of the world before the evidence, a real fast general history without the division into antiquity, the Middle Ages and modern times, because it only happened after the ice age in the world of Satan, a short real history, which should actually be divided into: The Golden Era-Era God, the Era of Glaciation-Ice Age, i.e. the times of Hyperborea and the present world, i.e. the world of Satan in which antiquity and other historical epochs are just beginning! Forget about evolution and the fact that the world lasts for billions of years because it’s a bluff!!! If you don’t like history, which is understandable because that’s what the system does to make you dislike history, then skip to the evidence below. But keep in mind that whoever controls the past controls the future, and whoever controls the present controls the present? Yeah! yeah! Over the past! So don’t be surprised that you don’t know the real story or that you hate it, because the system made it so that you don’t sniff, don’t sniff - you’re not supposed to hate it. Here’s a quick history of the world:

  • The world in the times of the golden age - the Era of God.

Speaking of the abyss, there were no demons there then, because they weren’t there yet! Why? Because there was no mutiny then, so I marked it wrong! The demonic civilization, i.e. the fallen angels, etc., it was only later after the so-called “War in Heaven” that they were thrown there.

This is what the world looked like after God created it. In the inner sphere, in the Heavens of Heaven, God and spiritual beings, i.e. angels with Satan as well, because only later did Satan rebel one third of heaven and only later was he thrown out. On the inner surface of the sphere, i.e. on earth, we - bodily beings, but uh, living forever, not dying, because everything on earth was powered by energy from God through the so-called Trees of Eden - i.e. fiber optic connectors. There are plenty of places in the world that show us the petrified remains of these trees, the Pillars of Heaven:

The photos are screenshots from the video below, taken in case anyone is just reading and not viewing the videos. What do you think, is there something to this? Again mother nature so called did it? It’s so symmetrical, so even, that ho ho!

Simply put, just so you understand, God is simply the owner of the ultimate technology that the materialized demonic civilization that lives outside the earth is trying to counterfeit, right where you think you live right now! And they push this technology on you from time to time, of course, first for the army, and you are having fun with telephones - don’t be suckers! We did not die then, and time was not counted because there was no sun or moon then - Satan made them to defrost the ice age - that is, there were no days and clocks! First things first. Satan rebels some of the angels and persuades them to have sex with earthly women, and spiritual beings could not do that, because it was not God’s plan. With this act, Satan simply began to create his offspring. Hybrids are born, i.e. with the genes of fallen rebel angels, ludoangels, and originally humans had a pure divine gene - the God gene. To God, it’s like your own children are practicing incest, because after all, satan is, in a sense, the ‘son’ of God, rebellious but a son. Satan wanted and still wants to take the place of the Most High and create his ‘‘better’’ world. He hates people, the human genotype, that is, the genotype of God. His hybrids, his offspring sometimes reaching 1.5 km in height - yes, and where did these myths about giants come from, where did their petrified remains come from? – terrorized the genotype of God who lived everywhere in the earth. The whole earth was the garden of Eden described in the bible. You think that some mountains that look seriously like giants were created as artistically as the Trees of Eden by the so-called mother Nature? Judge for yourself! because after all, Satan is in a way the ‘‘son’’ of God, rebellious but a son. Satan wanted and still wants to take the place of the Most High and create his ‘‘better’’ world. He hates people, the human genotype, that is, the genotype of God. His hybrids, his offspring sometimes reaching 1.5 km in height - yes, and where did these myths about giants come from, where did their petrified remains come from? – terrorized the genotype of God who lived everywhere in the earth. The whole earth was the garden of Eden described in the bible. You think that some mountains that look seriously like giants were created as artistically as the Trees of Eden by the so-called mother Nature? Judge for yourself! because after all, Satan is in a way the ‘‘son’’ of God, rebellious but a son. Satan wanted and still wants to take the place of the Most High and create his ‘‘better’’ world. He hates people, the human genotype, that is, the genotype of God. His hybrids, his offspring sometimes reaching 1.5 km in height - yes, and where did these myths about giants come from, where did their petrified remains come from? – terrorized the genotype of God who lived everywhere in the earth. The whole earth was the garden of Eden described in the bible. You think that some mountains that look seriously like giants were created as artistically as the Trees of Eden by the so-called mother Nature? Judge for yourself! his offspring sometimes reaching 1.5 km in height - yes, and where did these myths about giants come from, where did their petrified remains come from? – terrorized the genotype of God who lived everywhere in the earth. The whole earth was the garden of Eden described in the bible. You think that some mountains that look seriously like giants were created as artistically as the Trees of Eden by the so-called mother Nature? Judge for yourself! his offspring sometimes reaching 1.5 km in height - yes, and where did these myths about giants come from, where did their petrified remains come from? – terrorized the genotype of God who lived everywhere in the earth. The whole earth was the garden of Eden described in the bible. You think that some mountains that look seriously like giants were created as artistically as the Trees of Eden by the so-called mother Nature? Judge for yourself!

Back to the topic. Satan’s hybrids terrorize people. Some people also succumb to Satan’s lie and rebel. Society is hybridized - hence the mythical combinations of humans and animals. This is where the myths of demi-gods come from. They make you series about the hero Hercules ha ha - and this is a child of a demon, of course presented in a good light. They always do everything backwards - they have the rule of reciprocity. Powerful hybrids were a threat to both the God genotype and the Trees of Eden, from which they drew energy by destroying them. God, seeing all this, somehow informs his genotype about the coming ice age and non-rebellious people find shelter in the underground, in the roots of the mighty Trees of Eden. God turns off his palace which up to now energized the earth and therefore we were immortal and there was no apple-picking or original sin. An act of justice is coming, i.e. the Ice Age about which so many movies are made for you haha ​​speaking of the Ice Age, this is a gentleman, a Jew, who talked at the world Jewish congress - he knows what it was like:

‘‘Until Poland is covered with ice again.’’

  • The world during the Ice Age.

That is the world in which Polany, our ancestors, hid in the underground to survive the Ice Age, which I have already mentioned both in the third part “[03] From Islamization, through the new world order to Heaven-centeredness…”, and here above. They survived by living on the so-called an elixir that was still present in these mighty roots of the sky columns, even though the Trees of Eden themselves - fiber optic connectors transmitting energy from God to the earth - were frozen by frost. I remind you that in the times of the Golden Age, people lived forever and did not die thanks to this energy, and thanks to the same energy they survived the glaciation, which was an act of justice, a death sentence for the then hybrids, the offspring of the devil. Here’s a curiosity. This potion contained gold and silver. Now realize that such Rothschilds and other rulers of this world have by usury collected or outright stolen all the gold of the world that is in their banks and realize the fact finally that such Rothschilds and the rest of the rulers of this world are the same serpent seed or devil as the pharaohs, emperors Roman and any other world leaders of different eras from the beginning of history, i.e. from the end of the Ice Age, from the moment our ancestors Polans came out of the underground, because then things began, antiquity, etc. You do not know the earlier history, because they would have to tell you about Skycentrism, and this is a whip for them, the length and quality of the rope on which they will hang! That’s why you don’t know it!!! That’s why, alternatively, you are projected flat earth, for example - that is, the second counter outside the solar system in the devil’s shop. which is in their banks and realize the fact that such Rothschilds and the rest ruling this world are the same seed of the serpent, i.e. the devil, as pharaohs, Roman emperors and any other world leaders of different eras from the beginning of history, that is from the end of the Ice Age, from the moment our ancestors Polans left the underground, because then things began, antiquity, etc. You do not know the earlier history, because they would have to tell you about Skycentrism, and this is a whip for them, the length and quality of the rope on which they will hang! That’s why you don’t know it!!! That’s why, alternatively, you are projected flat earth, for example - that is, the second counter outside the solar system in the devil’s shop. which is in their banks and realize the fact that such Rothschilds and the rest ruling this world are the same seed of the serpent, i.e. the devil, as pharaohs, Roman emperors and any other world leaders of different eras from the beginning of history, that is from the end of the Ice Age, from the moment our ancestors Polans left the underground, because then things began, antiquity, etc. You do not know the earlier history, because they would have to tell you about Skycentrism, and this is a whip for them, the length and quality of the rope on which they will hang! That’s why you don’t know it!!! That’s why, alternatively, you are projected flat earth, for example - that is, the second counter outside the solar system in the devil’s shop. Roman emperors and any other world leaders of various eras from the beginning of time, i.e. from the end of the Ice Age, from the moment our ancestors Polans came out of the underground, because then things began, antiquity, etc. You do not know the earlier history, because they would have to tell you about Skycentrism , and this is a whip for them, the length and quality of the rope on which they will hang! That’s why you don’t know it!!! That’s why, alternatively, you are projected flat earth, for example - that is, the second counter outside the solar system in the devil’s shop. Roman emperors and any other world leaders of various eras from the beginning of time, i.e. from the end of the Ice Age, from the moment our ancestors Polans came out of the underground, because then things began, antiquity, etc. You do not know the earlier history, because they would have to tell you about Skycentrism , and this is a whip for them, the length and quality of the rope on which they will hang! That’s why you don’t know it!!! That’s why, alternatively, you are projected flat earth, for example - that is, the second counter outside the solar system in the devil’s shop. length and quality of the rope on which they will hang! That’s why you don’t know it!!! That’s why, alternatively, you are projected flat earth, for example - that is, the second counter outside the solar system in the devil’s shop. length and quality of the rope on which they will hang! That’s why you don’t know it!!! That’s why, alternatively, you are projected flat earth, for example - that is, the second counter outside the solar system in the devil’s shop.

  • The present world - the world of Satan in which we live.

I made a little mistake here! The palace is off today. I will change the graphics at the earliest opportunity;)
And of course the sun simulators attached to the glass of the sky - the original one has expired.

That is, the world of Satan based on a contract between God and Satan. In your minds, it is an infinite world made up of galaxies, or at least a solar system, which is ancient Hermeticism. The world now looks almost the same as in the first picture “The world in the times of the Golden Age - the Age of God”, except that there are no Trees of Eden and due to the fact that it does not reach here, to the earth, the energy from God does not look like this world, so to speak as lush as, for example, in the movie Avatar! Ooh! yeah! Exactly! Where do you think these ideas come from, hmm? The rulers of this world, i.e. Hollywood, are also well aware of what it was like and use the “memory of our soul”, for example, during the holidays, so that you believe and accept them. It used to be here all the time for Christmas, which of course, I don’t know if you finally understood,:

Only since they are so well versed, because they have proven it more than once, it’s more or less like in the pictures below, except that this is of course a micro-scale, and once it was in a macro-scale, because I remind you, the Trees of Eden, otherwise The Columns of Heaven were 3,000 km long and connected the Heaven of Heaven, or the Palace of God, that is, this great ball with a diameter of 6,000 km, with the surface of the earth, with the inner “side of the ball” in which we live. Under the photos, a video explaining how the memory of our soul is used, entitled “Bioiliminescence - The Golden Era”.

In The Matrix, on the other hand, not only do they mock you, they directly inform you that they are fucking you! There’s a scene where machines get their energy from humans, and humans are just bred. So, analogously to our situation, I explain: There in the film humanity led to darkness and the sky was covered, and in reality God turned off the palace, leading to the Ice Age and darkness as well, which is probably rather understandable if it was a source of energy, because then we had light from the center of the earth, from Him, and not from the sun, which was not yet. That’s why in the movies he’s always portrayed as the Lord of Darkness or something, and he’s always fighting dark forces in the movies. The planet Nibru, which the media constantly says is about to fuck us, is the moment when God is supposed to turn on his palace and that’s why they talk about it in the media so that you think that this is what is wrong and they were deceived! Yes, we are talking about Armageddon, the Final Solution. In the film, machines as a substitute draw energy from people, and here, in fact, demons draw energy from anyone who allows it, no matter whether consciously or not, through cults and religion, but also through science, which I have already written about, that this one is especially " cosmic" is no different from religion. The solar system is pure Satanism! You can see what it’s like today, which is a rotating sky and a general description of the current situation in these videos below and one here from CDA: through cults and religion, but also through science, which I have already written about, that this particularly “cosmic” one is no different from religion. The solar system is pure Satanism! You can see what it’s like today, which is a rotating sky and a general description of the current situation in these videos below and one here from CDA: through cults and religion, but also through science, which I have already written about, that this particularly “cosmic” one is no different from religion. The solar system is pure Satanism! You can see what it’s like today, which is a rotating sky and a general description of the current situation in these videos below and one here from CDA: https://www.cda.pl/video/25168116f
Niebocentryzm pogromca kosmicznych teorii i bajek - YouTube
Niebocentryzm pogromca kosmicznych teori i bajek 2 - YouTube

  • The future world, i.e. the return of the Golden Age , i.e. God turns on the palace and recreates the golden era - i.e. energy from Him will come back to the earth through the Trees of Eden, which will be recreated. Satan with the rebels will be liquidated and a precedent will be set in case in the future someone again comes up with the idea of ​​rebellion, i.e. there will be an immediate liquidation of such a rebel or rebels. And this whole future world, recreating the Era of God is the whole “Kingdom of Heaven” described in the very falsified bible, in which people live forever as at the beginning of the Golden Age.