Geokosmos English translation

I have completed the English translation of the German book Geokosmos. You can read the rough draft here
geokosmos_2 - Google Docs

I’ve begun the proofreading process to make it read more like naturally spoken English and any help would be appreciated.

[inline PDF]
geokosmos_2 english translation pdf john shillsburg.pdf (1.5 MB)


This is awesome , thank you
Wow , even has images too :smiley:

I converted it to pdf and embedded it into OP
Thanks a lot

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I’ve always wanted to read this book. Thank you for your work. I’ve read in other sources that Johannes Lang’s book is where he got his idea. Not sure since I can only read English. Oddly enough, this book is available on the internet arechive in German only, and this is the only book I’ve come across on the IA which made me log in to their site. Looks like Big Brother is working at the Internet archive! Is it ok to mirror your translation of Geokosmos onto other sites, or do you prefer to keep this for members only? You’ll receive credit for the translation, of course.

I’ve been meaning to proof read it one more time to correct some of the grammatical errors before I posted it to internet archive but you can do whatever you want with it

Thank you, John. I think it’s important to get these books out on as many platforms as possible. Once your corrected version is out, I’ll pull this one down and post a link to the new one. I’ll also give a caveat that this is just a draft and not the final version. Thank you again for your work.
I found this list of his other books.
Neupert, Karl. Die neue Aera: das kosmozentrische Welt-System. Entdeckung des Welt-Baues. Zürich, F. Zimmerli, 1933. 15 p. QB981.N4

Neupert, Karl. Umsturz des Welt-Alls. Eine Widerlegung des kopernikanischen Weltbildes und Aufstellung des Erdwelt-Systems. Das Weltall eine optische Täuschung. [Memmingen, 1929] 172 p., 30 p. of plates. illus. MLCS 87/4094 (Q)

Neupert, Karl. Umwälzung! Das Weltbild der Zukunft. Augsburg [1927] 62 p. illus., port.4QB-77

Neupert, Karl. Unwälzung der Welt-Anschauungen. Der Sternhimmel ist optische Täuschung. Zürich, F. Zimmerli [1932] 72 p. illus.

Neupert, Karl. Welt-Wendung! Inversion of the universe. Augsburg [1924] 20 p.DN-Ob
