1. azaeliaOP 10/12/2023 10:43 PM

I’m going to post a bunch of screenshots of me explaining the history of the ether aka the entire pursuit of 1900s physics to pin down the qualities and medium of space and the propogation of light. then i should explain to you the history of ether as a concept. it means sky and colloquially was adapted to be the medium of space. nowadays we dont use the word because of its associations with archaic forms of it, instead we use the quantum field but that does not mean what the word means isnt still valid. einstein himself is quoted as saying if space is endowed with qualities, therefore there is an ether. i already typed up everything you need to know about it before so ill just send screenshots. read it all if you want. temperature and volume decreasing as you rise along with an increase of pressure from an upwards longitudinal towards the central octahedron causes density of space to increase as you rise despite pressure and energy decreasing until you cross the equilibrium mid point. this causes light to bend upwards by default even under non refractive conditions closer to earths surface as a result of lapse rate, with cold air at the surface just contributing to slowing the rate at which light bends up already. (edited)






azaeliaOP 10/12/2023 10:44 PM


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  1. [10:47 PM]

⁠💬debates-chat⁠ Home made a site for quick dump specifically for the description of the substance of the crystal lattice structure of space time/ether aggregate fluid.


there are 4 major fields you can break everything down to describing the relationship of all things in space. x field, y field, electric field and magnetic field. x and y are primary and are the axiomatic moving direction and ripple of space relative to the source of their directional energy

azaeliaOP 10/12/2023 10:59 PM


Lord Steven Christ’s Venus - Concave Earth

Gravitational Waves Hoax: The Ether Lives! - Lord Steven Christ’s C…


October 13, 2023

azaeliaOP 10/13/2023 3:22 PM

like filling a bubble or tire or a sphere from the center. greater pressure towards the edge and center its why it expands and stays out. cause energy vectors cross going both ways due to the central octahedron reverberating and polarizing the ether medium/substance of gods consciousness making matter and minimum energy level/density of empty space. earth is a spherical closed system. gravity is the longitudinal force vector of ether pressure in the earth container. the east to west coriolis whirl/rotational wave interference/oscillation of the electric field/circuit of electricity of the ether/central current oscilating the sun with a rotating high arm of light causes the rotation of the celestial sphere and orbit of the sun with no resistance or viscosity due to superfrigidity of inner space like in levitating magnets in superconductivity. the tropics thermal zone relieves pressure because it warms up the air making it less dense and pushes the faster colder denser wind towards the poles (the low pressure and high pressure wind interacts at the doldrums/tropics and create a spiral that deflects hurricanes and cyclones north or south. (edited)



  1. [3:27 PM]

pangea seperation/expansion into 4 quadrants implies earth is a hollow womb. and the continental seperation is like stretch marks on a womb. the central octahedrons 4 corners define the 4 deepest point in all the oceans and the 4 stable tidal equilibrium points where the sun and moon relieve pressure causing higher highs and lower lows to these 4 points. in 6 hour quarter cycles of the celestial sphere the geometry has to do with the quantum structure of space and matter itself. the base crystal habit of the most magnetic mineral magnetite and diamond are octahedral for a reason. its sacred geometry and vortex math. (edited)

  1. [3:27 PM]

cosmic rays converge at the 33rd degree parallel and cygnus x which implies a point pyramid above the equator as the father of lights and source of the high arm of light/electricity plugging into the backside of the sun these cosmic rays also contribute to interfering with the sun in the north slowing it and pulling it in tightening the loop of the northern analemna causing it to spend 7 more days in the northern hemisphere than the south. cosmic rays seep through the seam in the milky way band which causes the sun to reverse direction north to south when it crosses the band directly on the solstices due to the magnetic flux being bifurcated by this interference, bridling and slowing the sun and reversing its direction on the solstices https://youtu.be/83LGeo43jSg?si=T7UkTLK1rJyRKe3f https://youtu.be/LpE3_6K3_Qg?si=ZsiOStZts6TxBIvc (edited)


Lord Steven Christ’s Venus - Concave Earth

How Cosmic Rays Affect the Analemma - Lord Steven Christ’s Concave …



Lord Steven Christ’s Venus - Concave Earth

The Analemma: Equation of Time - Lord Steven Christ’s Concave Earth


  1. [3:28 PM]

the central octahedron is the origin of all meteorites, it generates in the central primer field and shoots out little rocks out the corners of it busting through the glass (which recongeals, heat makes glass transition to rubbery and penetrable allowing them to pass through accumulating a fusion crust of silicate onto them. cold then hardens the glass back up sealing the hole) the meteors then orbit the center due to coriolis and centripetal pull towards the center until they build up enough speed to escape that pull and descend to scate along the karman line glass of the ionosphere like a half pipe making triboluminescent sparks/streaks or penetrate through to descend to earth.


azaeliaOP 10/13/2023 3:29 PM

canadian meteor orbit radar sources showing octahedron using both transciever radar and receiver panels picking up either perfectly collumnated debris orbits seasonally that the earth passes through or just seasonal fluctuation of the central octahedron as interfered with by the sun: Meteor Physics https://physics.uwo.ca/~pwiegert/papers/2009MAPS.pdf

Meteor Physics

Meteor Physics Planetary Science CSPX Canadian Lunar Research Network CLRN The Department of Physics and Astronomy at The University of Western Ontario

  1. [3:30 PM]


Lord Steven Christ’s Venus - Concave Earth



  1. [3:30 PM]


Lord Steven Christ’s Venus - Concave Earth

Magnetic Field Lines Converge to 33 Degrees (Octahedral Apex) - Lor…

  1. [3:31 PM]


Lord Steven Christ’s Venus - Concave Earth

Cygnus Mystery Solved - Lord Steven Christ’s Concave Earth

  1. [3:31 PM]


Lord Steven Christ’s Venus - Concave Earth

Cosmic Rays Govern Sun’s Velocity - Lord Steven Christ’s Concave Earth


azaeliaOP 10/13/2023 3:37 PM

its about weighing the balances and understanding the dichotomy and distinction implied by phenomena. can work this way cant work that way etc type thinking. a magnetic source that is the most magnetic object in the universe would follow the base crystal habit of most magnetic material. tides opposite the moon even during neap tides, pangea expansion not being uniform stretch marks like bark on a tree trunk, 4 deepest points in the whole ocean, cosmic rays origin etc pangea expansion dividing the continents into quadrants is also only possible if there is something defining pressure points otherwise it would split uniformly like on a womans womb or bark on a tree trunk the 4 deepest points in all the oceans are the same amount of latitude away from eachother it would be an order of operations. the octahedron causing the sun and moon orbit as well as the tides also causes the glass sky to be pulled on. the octahedron has 4 equilibrium points in a diverging converging circuit. so two high tides and two low tides. the sun and moon and glass sky then work to relieve pressure making higher highs and lower lows in a 6 hour cycle causing spring and neap tides https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Widmanstätten_pattern








Widmanstätten pattern

Widmanstätten patterns, also known as Thomson structures, are figures of long phases of nickel–iron, found in the octahedrite shapes of iron meteorite crystals and some pallasites. Iron meteorites are very often formed from a single crystal of iron-nickel alloy, or sometimes a number of large crystals that may be many meters in size, and often …

Widmanstätten pattern

  1. [3:38 PM]



Lord Steven Christ’s Venus - Concave Earth

FLOOD - Lord Steven Christ’s Concave Earth


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  1. [3:40 PM]

matter is just a expansion/contraction/ tighter weave in the spacetime ether fabric. and gravity just a ripple in the living waters of creation. it creates charge and therefore matter and the strong force through pressure differential of spheres of influence aka thought bubbles created by longitudinal vectors/lines of forces making spheres. and cells. radial phi ratio curve of light/phase conjugate ether pressure also creates a double cone shape which when paired with the axial electric field allows the accumulation of matter to create the central octahedron in the beginning of time from a central source of radiating pressure by default as soon as it sets an axis of orientation for north and south (edited)







azaeliaOP 10/13/2023 4:02 PM


azaeliaOP 10/13/2023 4:45 PM

i think einstein said it best that “Thus we may also say, I think, that the aether of the general theory of relativity is the outcome of the Lorentzian aether, through relativization”(relative to lorentz’ absolute reference frame of the ether at rest.) so you can derive general relativity out of calling local time just time being a relative function of the contraction of space towards mass energy through time. lorentz had an alternate model of relativity right before einsteins that wasnt adopted despite working only because having a primary reference frame of the ether space at rest and that ether space contracting around matter to cause force which was harder mathematically/more complicated. so instead einsteins equations describe your forward direction towards mass energy as a function of time. time is just a measurement of our perception which is how fast energy moves in our brain accelerating or decelerating our decay relative to someone elses density or speed(also compressing space in the direction of motion) in that sense time is one with space. and so if space compression causes light to move through it slower relatively, then both can be described relativistically.

  1. [4:45 PM]

it’s the virtual electron-positron(smaller than quarks) oscillation producing longitudinal wave interference patterns that override the background field that can affect light. The X and Y fields(longitudinals and spiral longitudinals). The reason that massless fields can oscillate at the speed of light is pretty simple. Cuz the aether mass can move that quickly. Electrons, positrons cannot. The aether mass is the fluid in which the longitudinal waves are composed of. an electric current moves what? inch an hour? the EM fields attached to the particle are attached like a hinge. They can wildly fluctuate at c but the particle doesn’t. the particle can’t move quickly cuz it’s imparting momentum to the part of the aether substructure that is difficult to dislodge. The dirac sea electron-positron grid. it’s just like how sound has a certain speed in water, or in a vacuum chamber with barely any air. lightspeed is just speed through a medium. the speed of polarizing the dirac sea

  1. [4:46 PM]

light bends when there’s a gradient to the aether density that overrides the background field effecting permittivity. the small ether fluid medium funnels through matter faster than light speed to make longitudinal ripples of the dirac sea grid and causes propagation of transverse gravitational waves. describing a dielectric black hole. the speed of light is just the speed of light in the medium of the space at that minimum energy density. wheras the small ether fluid funneling through the electron as described by virtual particles mathematically which can have any mass, no mass, or negative mass is moving faster than light which propagates light at light speed(heisenburg uncertainty principle/quantum tunneling/entanglement shows this to be possible). each electron is made of a blob of virtual particles which are also made of a blob of virtual particles as described mathematically. this allows the propagation of light at light speed in the minimum energy level of the vacuum and for it to slow down as well due to the further contraction of this space in the other direction/increased density due to decreased volume/decreased temperature as well. (edited)

  1. [4:46 PM]

the outer edge outside of the container of earth is outer darkness in the concave earth model. the void of gods consciousness which is just the infinite potential repelling itself in equilibrium until localized oscillation differentiates it- which divided from the creation of matter through the interior oscilation/expansion of itself into itself densifying space at the edge by interfering with itself creating matter relative to creating a minimum energy level caused by the big bang in heliocentrism or a relatively smaller energy expansion/cavitation inside the mass of the previously undifferentiated singularity-accumulating mass (itself interfering with itself to make a hierarchy of mass relative to the infinite potential it has to accumulate) in which case the internal point would be where energy crosses in equilibrium to be the original density of space which with the right field geometry allows for relatively cold fusion and absorption/dispersion back into the undifferentiated field, an interior fire which polarizes the field. temp and volume decrease as you rise increasing density towards the center despite decreased pressure and local heat due to longitudinals going both towards and away from the center in a container.

August 15, 2024

azaeliaOP 8/15/2024 2:39 AM


Lord Steven Christ’s Venus - Concave Earth

There Will be NO Rapture, Christian! - Lord Steven Christ’s Concave…


azaeliaOP 8/15/2024 2:54 AM

Via Concave Earth Discord