Is this the place to say hi and introduce myself? Hi people :)

I just wanted to introduce myself a little, im a man from Sevilla (SPAIN), I’m a concavist mind from long before I met Lord Steven Christ’s youtube channel.

I will write here what i deleted from youtube cause i think this place is more suitable, In youtube i delete all my messages every some days…

Well… from 16 17 years i started to investigate all the conspiracy theories, and you know… when you start to investigate those things you read a lot of crazy things, some things you know are lies, others you know are true, some others you believe with your heart even though you cannot know if they are true or lies.
You can find between the conspiracy theories a lot about masonry-illuminatis, aliens, annunakis, flat earth, global warming… even i have here an autograph of the conspiracy theorist Fritz Springmeier… :joy:… you know the man who talks about illuminati bloodlines… ¬_¬ i discovered that he was a messianic jew… and that maybe hes wrong in a lot of things… but well… changing topic…

Was like 10 years ago approximately when I had a time where I was eating hallucinogenic mushrooms many times every 2 or 3 weeks, and one time of all those times in a house friend (squat house) I was in the toilet trying to :poop: when I looked at the floor and what was a fluff simmilar to that forms in your navel began to make a perpetual movement, opening in on itself, at that time I didn’t know what I was seeing, but in the following months I started looking for geometric shapes on the internet and I saw that it was a toroid, and how important this geometric shape is to understand that we live inside and not outside. Those mushrooms was called “Golden Teachers”, at that time I also really liked everything that had to do with the golden number and the golden ratio, and I did know all that and Fibonacci…, but at that time I still had no idea what a toroid was until months after that experience with the Golden Teachers. Coincidence or causality?

One day i started to search in youtube the words “Toroid - Toroidal - Torus” and that is how i found the Lord Steven Christ’s youtube channel and some others like youtube/@joseantoniogarcia3543, although with the latter, although he is from my own city I have never been able to contact him, I share some points with him but in others I think he is very wrong, just like what happens to me with Dr. Cyrus Reed Teed, I share with him his vision of the Earth, but not much else. I don’t want to create a religious sect, nor believe myself to be a prophet.

But I love learn and finding people who think like me. And i think this is the most correct place on the entire internet to do this.

Sorry if my english is not good, im from Spain, i just want to thank you by leave me enter in this forum, and too leave my steam profile in case someone here wants to add me, and also share my DeviantArt page where I have been starting to upload graphic designs (AI MADE*) related to all these topics as a hobby from short time ago, perhaps in some way to try to convey the world concave in an artistic way.

Steam: Steam Community :: Dkorador

And another thing, ive seen your Blender 3d models, are very good, and when i see that i think… Why don’t you upload it to Steam as educational software? You have this of flat earth: store . steampowered . com / app / 1397620 / Flat_Earth_Simulator /

Why not one about concave earth?

Greetings and hugs for everyone, and forgive me if I posted this message in the wrong forum, I guess if I did it wrongly, the admins will can change it to the correct sub-forum where people post their messages introducing themselves.


Welcome :slight_smile:

Amazing art on your DeviantArt :slight_smile:

If you have extra concave earth content you’d like to share, feel free to share it :slight_smile:

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