The Biblican Worldview - Het Bijbels wereldbeeld (English Translation)

The Biblican Worldview - Het Bijbels wereldbeeld (English Translation).pdf (2.8 MB)

Summary of Het Bijbels Wereldbeeld

This document explores a biblical cosmological worldview rooted in scripture, challenging modern scientific interpretations of the Earth and heavens. It emphasizes a literal reading of biblical texts to describe creation, the nature of the Earth, heavens, and their relationship with God. The content critiques contemporary astronomy and science, advocating for a geocentric and fixed Earth model as depicted in the Bible.

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Document Breakdown

1. Introduction

  • Establishes the importance of the biblical worldview for understanding the Scriptures.
  • Argues that modern technology and science distract from biblical truths.
  • Claims true knowledge comes through faith in God’s Word.

2. Creation as Such

  • Heaven, Earth, and the “Underworld” are distinct realms:
    • Heaven Above: Divided into three heavens:
      1. Atmosphere: Birds fly here.
      2. Starry Heavens: Space.
      3. Heaven of Heavens: God’s throne.
    • Earth: Firm, immovable, and founded on actual “foundations” (Psalm 104:5, Job 38:4-6).
    • Under the Earth: Realm of the dead (Sheol/Hades).
  • Rejects the modern idea of Earth as a planet, asserting that Earth is the center of creation.

3. Creation in Relation to the Creator

  • God as Central: Creation is stretched out from God like a tent or curtain.
  • The heavens expand around a center, with God as the source.
  • Earth and Heaven are described as circular or spherical (Isaiah 40:22) but emphasize a biblical-geocentric view.

4. Heaven and Earth: Fixed and Governed

  • Earth Does Not Move: Heavens rotate around the Earth:
    • Biblical references: Psalm 19:5-7, Ecclesiastes 1:5 (the sun moves; the Earth remains stationary).
    • Joshua’s Miracle: The sun and moon “stood still,” proving their motion, not Earth’s.
  • Firm Heavens: The heavens are “solid” with boundaries of water separating light and darkness.

5. The Worldview in Practice

  • Satan as the Deceiver: False scientific doctrines are tools of deception.
  • Topics include:
    • Light,
    • Magnetism,
    • Deception in obscuring biblical truth.
  • Critiques modern science as man-centered and incompatible with God’s Word.

6. Epilogue

  • Reinforces belief in the literal biblical worldview.
  • Asserts Earth’s hollowness and the governance of life from the center.

Key Themes

  • Literal Biblical Cosmology: Earth is fixed, central, and foundational.
  • Three Heavens: The Bible distinguishes between atmospheric, stellar, and divine heavens.
  • Critique of Modern Science: Science’s heliocentric and planetary Earth models are unbiblical.
  • Spiritual Worldview: Earth, heavens, and the underworld have spiritual and moral significance.


Het Bijbels Wereldbeeld serves as a defense of a scripturally-based cosmology. It asserts that Earth’s creation, structure, and role are central to understanding God’s sovereignty and truth, rejecting modern scientific views as incompatible with biblical teachings.

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