The Celestial Language

There was a time in the past when all men spoke a single language that was called Elengoa, “the Celestial Language.”

The search for the Root Language, from which all other languages emerged, is an endeavor that has captivated thousands of minds. Linguists, philologists, researchers, and distinguished personalities of the past and present have dedicated their time to reconstructing and finding this Edenic language that embodied the simplicity and perfection of Creation.

It has been sought among most linguistic families, especially the Indo-Aryan. This search has always been illuminated by an aura of mysticism and spirituality since, in most cases, it has been attempted to find the Language of Adam lost after the confusion of tongues, biblical episodes linked with the divine that many great minds in thought and science have tried to explain.

Did there exist in a not-too-distant past a single language on Earth, with which all humanity could understand each other without difficulty?

This is a question posed by numerous researchers about the origin and trajectory of human language. Official science establishes that the nearly 5,500 languages and dialects spoken today in this world have their original matrix in about nine major linguistic families. These, roots of a common trunk, constitute the archaic foundation of human speech from the remotest antiquity.

Despite the fact that philological studies today are advanced, it has still not been determined what the “mother tongue” is from which all the languages spoken today on Earth are derived. They lack the missing link that would allow them to unify one linguistic family with another. It is clear that this link seems not to exist between, for example, African languages (Nilo-Saharan and Niger-Kordofanian) with Nostratic (Afro-Asiatic, Indo-European, Dravidian, Altaic, etc.). The Amerindian branch also does not seem to fit well with any of the others. Others, like those spoken in the Pacific Ocean, seemed to develop independently of all the others. And to complicate matters even more, there are families with a single spoken element, as is the case with Basque, which seems not to fit with any other language.

Basque is a language whose great antiquity has been demonstrated, with terms belonging to prehistory being recognizable in it, as supported by studies conducted by the renowned linguistic archaeology researcher Joseph Greenberg and Colin Renfrew. They say it is a language with no apparent link to any other. However, there are numerous connections between it and many other languages spoken today.

It is curious that in Quechua, the word for father is TAITA, while in Basque it is AITA. A coincidence? It could be, but the point is that this is not an isolated example; in Turkish, father is ATA. In Dakota (Sioux language), it is ATE. In Nahuatl, TATA, the same as in Maltese, Romanian, Sinhalese, Fijian, or Talago. In this family of relationships, we can add English, DADDY or DAD, or Welsh, TAD.

ARGI means light in Basque, while in Sanskrit ARQ means bright. The Greek word ARGÉS has the same meaning. In Finnish, TUNTURI means low, rounded mountain; in Basque, that same word expresses the idea of summit, peak, or bump, referring to a rounded prominence. GAROA in Basque is dew, the same word in Quechua means drizzle.

The root IST in Basque expresses something that emits rays of light, found in tximistu, which means lightning, electricity. In English and other Germanic languages, we find the words STAR, STERN, etc. STAR could be perfectly translated in Basque as it makes or emits rays of light, or place or origin of rays of light, or STERN, which emits rays of light. The word ISTHAR has the same meaning. STELLA, ESTRELLA, STELLE, etc., originate from the archaic term IST, still preserved in Basque.

SU is fire, but its ancient expression referred to the sun. SUN in English is sun. SURA or SURYA in Sanskrit has the same origin, meaning “Property of the Creator Sun.”

We could still provide hundreds of more examples that would demonstrate that Basque (especially ancient Basque) has relationships with many and very varied languages, some from very distant lands. This only proves one thing: this language has preserved a good percentage of the root terms of that ancient language spoken by almost all of humanity. This would explain why, despite having no relationship with Quechua, spoken in Peru and Bolivia, it has more than a hundred terms and grammatical uses that appear in Basque, for example: the infinitive of both languages is formed with the sound TU.

In his book “Los Bere,” Alexandre Eleazar shows us how Basque is the only currently spoken language that preserves a good percentage of words belonging to an ancestral language, which he calls ELENGOA, a term formed by the following words: ELE-N-GO-A, meaning “the Celestial Language.” This word serves to express the language used by humanity in antiquity, being the only one at that time from which all the languages spoken today are derived.

The Elengoa language has a celestial origin, coming in its purest form from EDUEN, the language spoken in Baleden and in all the OROZKAR or all the lands of the Sky. This means that Elengoa is a terrestrial adaptation of Eduen. Basque—spoken today by about 700,000 people—still retains 80% of the roots of the archaic and original language. But Elengoa departs somewhat from Basque in its grammatical construction.

The grammar of Elengoa is so synthetic that in many aspects it escapes the rationality of the spoken language we are accustomed to. Basque, on the other hand, has developed a complex structure greatly enriched by suffixes and prefixes that, in an agglutinative manner, enrich the meaning of words.

Elengoa departs from this grammatical formation to adhere to another aspect of spoken expression, simpler but not less rich in nuances. Thus, it achieves its richness in the freedom it grants each word in the context of each sentence. Today it would be very difficult for humanity to speak Elengoa as it was in the early days, as it would first have to change people’s mentality. Basque, for example, diverges from this primordial language in the verbal structure, which has been greatly enriched. In this aspect, Elengoa is so synthetic that it puzzles us. English is perhaps the language that most closely resembles its grammatical use.

The most important grammatical rule of this Divine Language is to synthesize; to return to the original simplicity and transparency. Reconstructing the ancient Elengoa is no easy task. In any case, we can unify a form of this language—the purest and most faithful possible—based on its various dialects. It is clear that a high percentage of words from this language are currently preserved in Basque (updated according to the peculiarities of its people and the grammatical usage influences of its neighboring and invading populations).

The most marked differences between the two languages lie in the grammar (sometimes I think about what Basque would have been if the land of the Basques had been the northernmost area of the British Isle. The Basques would then have inherited the grammatical use of the English, and their speech would be much simpler than it is today).

Other differences:

  • Elengoa does not make gender distinctions unless necessary; in which case, terms like female, woman, etc., are added to the word to specify its gender, such as eme, ema, ene, ne…
  • The indefinite article is generally not used. The definite article is used with some regularity.
  • It is normal for the plural to be specified in its number, and also for a numeral to express the idea of plurality.
    Example: BI LOTU (Two mummies), which can be translated as mummies.
  • In general, pronouns are avoided when they are understood in the context of the sentence. If we see a sign in a public square and read: ANDIBATZARA DEITU, we literally translate: Great Council Call, but understand the message better as: The Great Council Calls You, understanding the article “the” and the pronoun “you.”

I think it’s quite amazing how the Basque, and humans halfway across the earth had a language that shared hundreds of words. Thank you so much for the quality of this post! I’ve often wondered about the languages of old before they were “scattered.” A friend of mine has explained to me that each language has a particular rythym; it would be very interesting to hear the rythm of Elengoa.