Understanding Refraction, Light, Ether, and Magnetic Fields

Revised Text: Understanding Light, Ether, and Magnetic Fields

This thread text’s is an AI revision of content posted in the discord server. This information was thought to be helpful and a desire to share with the community.
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Even though this part might seem simple, I want to recap some semantics first and then explain everything in detail from there.

You used the word “crave” as a placeholder to describe how the front of the wave of light (direction of propagation) points more toward the denser medium. You’ve probably seen phrases like:

Let’s break this down.

1. What is the “Normal”?

  • The term “normal” refers to a geometric concept—a perpendicular line that intersects the parallel boundary of a medium.
  • This line is not physical or imaginary—it’s a geometric description that helps us understand the behavior of light as it bends towards or away from the perpendicular boundary.

2. Why Does Light Bend?

The Movement of Ether and Asymmetry:

  • Any movement in the ether represents ether asymmetry.
  • Ether particles move because of pressure differentials—differences in values such as amplitude, voltage, or phase shift.
  • This differential causes one state of ether to flow into another, similar to how high-pressure areas fill low-pressure spaces.

3. Electromagnetic Fields as Ether Movements

Fields and Charges:

  • An electromagnetic field (learn more) is an alignment of charges arranged in curved lines.
  • This field emerges from a radial spherical concentric shell gradient, which interferes with itself to form magnetic field lines (see here).
  • These curved lines impart angular momentum to waves, causing phenomena like the spiraling of electrons around magnetic fields.

Planetary Resonance:

  • Electrons spiral within magnetic fields and align harmonically with larger planetary magnetic fields.
  • This creates elliptical harmonic wells, where electrons lose no energy due to superconductivity powered by the Sun’s light and the central octahedron circuit.

4. Static Magnets and Particle Alignment

Behavior of Metal Particles:

  • In a static magnetic field, iron filings or metal balls align into a honeycomb shape.
  • This happens because they become magnetized within the field, leading to attraction, repulsion, and alignment.

Wave Summation:

  • A moving electric charge (details here) generates a magnetic field. The charge itself is a point multiplicative pressure differential with spin properties—clockwise and counterclockwise.
  • These movements form a double helix pattern of electron-positron phase-conjugate waves.

5. The Geometry of Ether Oscillations

Vibrational Geometry:

  • The ether oscillates in a phi ratio double helix that constructs a stable geometry:
    • The icosadodecahedral lattice (overview) ensures maximum constructive interference.
    • This geometry stabilizes particles, giving protons their mass and enabling atoms to constructively interact in molecules.

Harmonic Layers:

6. Light and Ether Interaction

Photon Waves:

  • A light wave is a ripple in the ether, generated by compressed charges radiating outward.
  • Photons, rather than being point charges, are double-helix spiraling waves formed through ether compression.

Heat and Light Generation:

  • Heat is a higher amplitude vibration of the ether, created by compressing charges.
  • Light is a product of constructive interference, radiating outward like a bubble.

7. Constructive vs. Destructive Interference

Constructive Interference:

Destructive Interference:

  • In contrast, scattered interference disperses energy and causes waves to dissipate unless they phase-conjugate and realign.

8. Gravity as an Ether Gradient

Ether Density and Gravity:

  • Gravity arises from ether pressure asymmetry:
    • Near Earth, higher ether density creates stronger pressure.
    • As altitude increases, ether density decreases, weakening gravitational effects.
    • Learn more about gravity.

Celestial Balance:

  • Ether flows inward centripetally while balancing outward centrifugal forces, forming a celestial sphere bubble.

9. Light Behavior and Upward Bending

Light and Ether Flow:

  • Light bends upward because of the ether density gradient, following the flow of ether currents.
  • This phenomenon was observed in the LIGO laser experiments (details here), where lasers required reflectors to focus due to upward diffusion.

10. Human Implications

Energy and Decay:

  • Humans die and decay because they cannot accelerate charge through themselves faster than they dissipate it.
  • Proper alignment with the ether’s geometry balances energy flow, improving vitality and longevity.


This understanding of light, gravity, and ether challenges conventional paradigms, offering a cohesive framework for interpreting the universe through harmonic geometry and ether asymmetry. The intricate relationships between light, electromagnetic fields, and ether flow reveal the profound interconnectedness of all phenomena.