Who was Jesus Christ?

Alexandre Eleazar, in his countless translations of the past, reveals the origin of Jesus Christ. The historical figures who formed the concept of Jesus Christ.
But what does the officialdom tell us about Jesus Christ? Jesus of Nazareth, also known as Jesus Christ, is the central figure of Christianity and one of the most influential in the Western culture. According to the opinion accepted by the majority in the media based on a critical reading of the texts about his figure, Jesus of Nazareth was a Jewish preacher who lived at the beginning of the first century in the regions of Nazareth. of Galilee and Judea and was crucified in Jerusalem around the year 30, under the Pontius Pilate’s government.

For most Christian denominations, He is the Son of God and, by extension, the incarnation of God himself. Their belief is that with his death and subsequent resurrection he redeemed to the human race. Judaism denies his divinity, which is incompatible with its conception of God. In Islam, where it is known as Isa, he is considered one of the most important prophets.

The Catholic creed reads as follows: "I believe in God Almighty Father, Creator of heaven and earth. I believe in Jesus Christ, His The only Son, our Lord, who was conceived by the work and grace of the Spirit Saint; he was born of the Virgin Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, dead and buried; he descended into hell; on the third day rose from the dead; He ascended into the heavens and is seated on the right of God the Father Almighty. From there he will come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church, the communion of the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and eternal life. Amen."

This creed, in a way, says many truths such as many lies, since it deals with the unification of different historical characters in the figure of a single one.

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First, we will talk about Iezus. Who was he?

After Earth was invaded, breaking the peace treaty after the Star Wars, Almighty God tried in some way to remedy all this, and in turn have a successor to his throne, for he saw It necessary to exit the Matrix and move on. So, he searched among all the men, consulting his Quantum computers, who showed him that a man named Eleazar was the right man for the mission and to become his successor, Eleazar was the “tsar of the Ele”. Almighty God also gave his daughter’s hand in marriage to him. She very beautiful and intelligent. he nicknames was Mistatu, which means “woman who gives off rays of light” because of her great intelligence and appearance. Eleazar was sent on a mission to Earth. if he were to successfully complete this mission, He would prove he was ready to ascend to the throne and become God’s Almighty successor and heir.

On the way to Earth, Eleazar’s ship suffers serious failures, and an accident causing his death. Traveling with him were three ladies who accompanied him. They rescued his dying body and managed to save Eleazar’s semen in an egg. Then, once they landed on Earth, they used his stored semen for Artificial insemination. Mistatu who was called Mary on Earth, (which means “cosmonaut”) became pregnant by her husband’s seamen through this inoculation. Then the baby was born. God the “B”, he was called this because he was “God the Second” but his real name was Gabriel.

In this way after Artificial insemination by his semen, God comes back to life. The son is the father, and the father is the son, they make the same person, Iesus (there was no J back then), meaning born without male sex help or the intervention of a male, is how the legend of the birth of Jesus came to be, today virtualized by Christianity.

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Alexander the Great.

The next character is the second reincarnation of God B, Alexander the Great. Iurri is responsible for the murder of Alexandre, who he is already considered a general for having placed himself at the head of a group of thugs ready to obey him, blinded by their immense envy. He was one of the Alexandre Magno’s bodyguard, who had been forgiven by him and sworn publicly lifelong fidelity to the Tsar God. This Iurri, of Egyptian origin, received gold coins of Theodos and had the audacity to threaten Alexandre in the course of the of a meeting of the High Council.

God B was captured on the road, which links Babel with Bamasco. They tried to embolden the military and townspeople offering them gold and silver coins to help them capture God B, and he was nervous about this difficult and risky task to carry out in broad daylight. At the next meeting of the high congress, he expressed the opposite of what was promised to God.

Alexandre dies in Babylon, tied to a tree so that he can suffered the same death as the Spanish-Chinese emperor Omaitzoy. God Almighty causes a great earthquake, and Babylon is completely devastated. Alexandre, stripped of his garments and tied to the tree until his last hour, lies near a bridge in the said city, and will be remembered in a place that they will have to call Kalbere. The date of his death will be April 23, 46 of Troy, which is interpreted as March 8, 3,544 years before the birth of Christ.

In front of him, the murderous bastard Iurri, at the feet of the trunk of the tree, contemplate the head of one of the sons of God B, severed and placed on the bushes and foliage. Note the leather boots, made with such perfection that they are the same as those used today.

Over Alexandre’s head flies “the Tsar of the Ele,” that is, the future Messiah and Almighty God. In his left hand he wears a belt that touches the hair of God, and in his right hand a ring that reaches the branch of the tree, forming the following legend: “I protect you to always.” In this way the crucifixion can be understood, and the relation that there is between cause and effect with the second life of God B. His death was in April, which is interpreted as “Aberil”, that is, “death of the B”, which is celebrated in Holy Week.

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Saint Paul or Christ.

How Christian philosophy originated.

Karistio, today is written as Christ (Krestos). Eleazar explains that The “H” was used many times to camouflage the “A”. Later called Sant Pabelu, the term “B” was also used to camouflage itself, replacing it with The “V” or the “U”, which is a letter that signifies the sign of victory and Messiah.

Thus, Pabelu became Paulus or Paulo. He was a necromancer priest (“a cave maker” who would bury the dead) born in Antiochos or Antioch, which hated the Bs and his descendants but then changed his profession for that of slave trader. The slaves were brought by boat from the lands of the north, blond and blue eyed, all of them. He sold women to the Palestinians, who were mostly brown and always preferred blondes. Karistio made money from this traffic of blond men brought in ships to the port of Antiochus, and then he would drive these slaves to Damascus, where he would sell them to the certain Palestinians, who in turn directed them to Egypt and the so-called Happy Arabia (Yemen).

During the transfer, Karistio beat them with a whip, and even once, with blows of a cane, he killed several young male slaves, since one of them was very sick and could not walk. One day he arrived at Damascus with some slaves, clashing with the merchants who used to Buy. They had to pay in cash and they quarreled because Karistio wanted to pay in cash. more money. The merchants’ coins were in saddlebags inside a large store, which was supposed to be well guarded, but when it was found that it was not the “Uncle” or “Tito” (two names that are given to them). The natives of Antioch, still in use) steals the money of the merchants, the money that he had yet to collect. A boy saw it and warned the Palestinians. They captured him and put him in jail. There he found with some who had been his merchandise in other operations and, at the same time, recognized him, they beat him up. They were dark-skinned boys from the Docia Cloak (Cappadocia). Bloody, with crushed bones and some teeth sectioned, without eating or drinking, he found words of encouragement and compassion in the cell by a blond man with blue eyes that he himself had brought to the Damask. The latter, when trying to escape during the first night, received a A good batch of whips. Now, in the presence of the fearsome and cruel driver and slave seller, but oh miracle, this boy did not hesitate to defend and defend help Tito escape from the cell. Everyone else followed. While the slaves and thieves went north, Karistio took the road of Palestine. As he walked in a hurry, afraid of being arrested (for he was would hang from a rope), he regretted everything he had done with the slaves, understanding that goodness could be found in any race, while wickedness was only found among his own, for they were his compatriots who beat him. For this reason, it was later reported that in the on the road to Damascus he repented, and the memory of that “Road to Damascus”. He reflected throughout his journey, admitting that until then he had done wrong, especially with those poor boys whom he killed with cane blows, since…

He was exhausted and could not go on any longer. He went to Egypt and, on the banks of the Nile, a new religion began to take shape, but also He contracted a great cold when sleeping the nights in a boat. Without improving his In his state of health, he boarded a cargo ship that took him to the It took to the port of Piraeus, in Athens. He tried to preach his new religion, which he advocated love among all men and understanding among each other, but they soon kicked him out, for the Athenians they were fanatics who hated.

He went to Rome on foot, living on alms, as he had done from Cairo. However, in this city he had to steal to be able to eat. He was arrested and taken back to prison, where he remained for six months. But in Rome he found that there was also racial hatred, since the population was rather in favor of the B, and the Empire was proclaimed B. He took another boat which took him to EmpĂşries, where he felt a little better health, although He suffered from severe pneumonia and his bronchi hurt.

In this city of very ancient origin, He tried to explain his ideas of reconciliation between the human races, but soon he was expelled. One day, being a little drunk, he took the road and arrived at the town of Ion, where he wanted to kneel before the tomb of the famous Ian, but the Abes of the place they forbade it. Even so, feeling better and better health, He undertook the arduous task of building a hermitage dedicated to his new religion of love, which some already called Christianity. This hermitage was transformed then in a church, one of the first in the Iberian Peninsula, built to preach this new religion. Today, the ruins of St. Paul’s Church in San Juan de la Abadesa, province of Girona, are testimony to this.

However, this did not please the Abes, who guarded there is the very important tomb of King Uka, also known as the king Ukrainian Dardanos, popularly called King Ian. They forced Karistios to to build his hermitage outside the walled enclosure of the town. Then Karistios – the name given to him in the Iberian Peninsula – had to move to Barcelona, with the purpose of finally getting to know the famous city that, according to they said, he would see the warning, the revelation and the annunciation of God Be, the Messiah.

According to what he was told, the Messiah would be born there, but Karistios pretended that it was almost two thousand years before this event Happen. He then began to explain what he had heard in Syria and Earth Saint: that Eleazar would be reborn in Damascus, the son of a king and queen. When sharing In these details, Karistios achieved some expectation and was treated better than in other lands he had traversed. The makers gave it the name of “Saint Pabelu,” which would later be written as San Pablo.

It settled at the foot of the Tibidabo mountain, and many people came to visit the holy man who brought the “Bonanova” to the Plaza of the same name. However, Karistios could not stay permanently in this place. He and others from Rome confirmed that this would one day be a great Gentile neighborhood, who would await God’s arrival in their mansions, surrounded by a large pine forest. For this reason, the place was called “Shareríe,” today known as Sarriá.

After a while, he left for Zaragoza, fearful of the designation of “saint”. Indeed, it was not easy for him in this city enter, for it was surrounded by colossal walls with their gates guarded day and night. He was not well received and was not allowed to build a hermitage at the other side of the riverbank. He could only prostrate himself for a long time in front of the goal of Alexandre, where, it was assured, the great Alexandre would enter his third life, carrying a carpenter’s box on his back. For this reason, For this reason, the carpenters of the city enjoyed certain privileges.

The people of the place, the Beturones, did not want to hear anything on the love of the people. Two centuries ago they had been annihilated in the city, which recovered its famous name of Zaragoza.

Question from the interviewer:

Is there a tradition that the Virgin when she rested on the banks of the Ebro River?

Eleazar answers:

That can’t be. James, marching to the land of the Basques, he believed that he would be well received and listened to there, but he was all he was able to do. On the contrary, they threw stones at him, wounding him in the head, and he had to leave running from the city of Sebastien, today San Sebastian. He continued his march in westward in order to reach the Finistère, that is, the land located in the far west of the Iberian Peninsula. I thought that perhaps I would find the way to reach that great island of America, of which I had heard so much in Empúries, and walked in that direction until the land ran out.

Thus, he arrived at the place that today is called Santiago de Compostela, where he had to rest for several weeks lying in a bed, as he could no longer more than tiredness. The rain that accompanied him throughout the journey aggravated his pneumonia, feeling that it would not take long for him to die. He considered this as a God’s punishment and his long walk from Damascus as the way of his redemption. So it happened. In that place they called him Santiago, that is, “Holy Uncle of God,” although the Galicians also called him Karisto. A temple was built there that took the name of Igaletsie, which means “work of the Gauls”, today church. Three hundred years after his When the Paio Empire of Rome was re-established, the priests made divert a pilgrimage, coming from Aubernia, Nîmes, Montpellier, Perpignan and Barcelona, bound for the lands of Murcia towards Galicia, so that the inhabitants of the Occitan and Catalan lands will worship at the tomb of the called Christ —a name also written with an interspersed axe: Chrestos— because this represented a good business for them.

So, the Roman priests, that is, the Roman curia, to see that from all places in present-day France tens of thousands of people came people to the city of Santiago, and that this generated a lot of money for the Galicians, seized the mummy of the Holy Uncle and took it to Rome, putting it in the round mausoleum that belonged to the late emperor Diocletian. That is, they took out the coffin of an emperor, as they say, and in its place they put that of Christ. In the face of this, there was an avalanche of protests in the lands north of the Pyrenees. Some protested that he had moved the coffin of Christ to Rome; others, because they were forbidden to worship the martyr hero of Aubernia, Vercingetorix; and the majority, because the Church The Catholic Church claimed that Christ was the Messiah foretold, when all the writings from the East affirmed that such a Messiah would arrive within the just over 1,500 years old.

Then, they took the coffin out of that mausoleum and took it to the placed in the Pope’s palace with an inscription that assured that there there was the tomb of St. Paul. This Saint Paul is Christ. The Enemies of God they used abundantly the imbeciles who liked to write stories who were very numerous in other times and today are Legions. It is impossible to read a book that does not contain a pack of lies, published with the sole aim of tarnishing the figure of the Messiah, contradict him, insult his family, his true friends of yesteryear, and cut the grass under his feet.

Those falsifiers of history, and even of the Saints Scriptures, they managed to muddy everything that was more or less known, and they have fully achieved. They wrote the names of Jesus and Christ evil, united by a script to make it appear that it was the same person, when in In reality, the two of them lived on this earth thousands of years away in the time of each other. The first was Dios Be, the second, a sad priest, a slave seller died of pneumonia in Galicia. Keep in mind that never, in at no time, Christ pretended to be God or the Messiah announced; rather, he made It is clear to the light on almost everything concerning the Messiah in the holy city of Barcelona.

Now they’ve removed the script, and it’s Jesus Christ, because before it seemed like a it was an uncle whose name was Jesús by name and Christ by surname. Today “Christ” is translated as “Anointed One,” when anciently every person, especially the boys, was “his father’s son” with more security than today. For example, the Arabs said “Faisal iben Hussein”, i.e., Faisal son of Hussein, and “iben” was replaced by “Ben” or “Bon” in Germany. In the Netherlands something similar happens with “Van”, and in Russia it is added at the end of the “-vich” or “-ovna” names in the case of women. There’s many similar cases in different languages around the world.

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Alexander Eleazar was the last Messiah.

The Messiah, called from the great Rome, through the intercession of A holy martyr, the supplication of a holy martyr, and the work of the Almighty God, according to the miracle foretold, will be born in the vicinity of the grave of his first mother on this earth. Son and grandson, on both father’s and mother’s side, of illustrious, heroic and renowned victors, who will reach the palm of the martyrdom and holiness. The “Child Jesus” will not be abandoned—as the false tongues affirm in the later chronicles—but left after nine months by his mother at the water’s edge, in a wicker cradle, entrusted to the care of of a maid who will take him to his court house in a city. There you will meet an unfortunate childhood and youth.

From his tender years, he will earn his living by the sweat of his forehead, working most of his existence in the trade of carpentry. He will have nowhere to lay his head, nor will he possess even an inch of earth, until the very moment of his death. Such is the adversity to which the true owner and lord of this world will be subdued, etc., etc.

In another passage, the Lord says: “The temple is the den of fakes”. And God, in his wisdom, proclaimed: “I was the father and the son, when I was the father of myself and also my own son. The Gentiles failed to comprehend this mystery. And now some claim that the Almighty begat a son, and that Messiah is the son of the Almighty. More in Truly I say to you, the Messiah is not the Son of God Most High, but the Father of Himself who was his son, and is the son of himself, who was his father. On the day of His second resurrection, those who follow and believe Him will know this truth, for until then you resisted understanding it.” And thus the great heresy against God."

Truly, many fall into the darkness of ignorance paganism, atheism, and other disastrous issues. This is the truth about the mythical figure of Jesus Christ and how the Holy Curia has modeled the image that we have. Now that you have heard the truth come down from the heavens, repeat these words: “My God, Creator of the heavens and the earth, most wise of the unseen and the visible, Thou shalt judge among Thy servants that which in which they disagree. If the unrighteous possess all that is on the earth, and as much more, they would be eager to redeem themselves from the worst of torments on the day of the resurrection. But from Him will come that which they had not foreseen. The evils that have perpetrated over the centuries will manifest themselves before them, and what a once they mocked, he will surround them.”

Thus speaks the truth that you already know. “Amen egi is Alun,” the True power is final power. May the truth set them free.

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