I just started learning Blender and it seems very capable of programming the illumination dynamics within the Earth’s measured magnetic fields and ‘Aetherial’ superfluid dynamics. I’ve also studied some of the highest level computational fluid dynamics/mechanics as well as geometric music language based on unit quaterions up to dedoconion and above. I beileve there is also some magnetic field simulation software perhaps free that can be used as well.
That said, I’m a n00b here. Its been maybe 15 years since I’ve posted on forums… I remember back in the day ACMLM and RomHacking websites…
That aside here is the link on a Google Drive account I have for the Blender model with added 100km sphere and rough guestimate size of core celestial sphere. I’ve also included template of the Primer Fields dome magnet to eventually show field dynamics or aetherial superfluid
dynamics between cosmic microwave background above our heads down to the molten metal far below the souls of our feet.
PLUS this is a good excuse to purchase a high end graphics card and multi-core processor
One vision I have is to model each concentric sphere as an infinitely thin 3d spherical surface that contains all information of the “conscious” state of the earth as well as the Celestial Sphere and the Metal Rind in Concave Earth or Metal Core in Heliocentric. Then we can compare and contrast light dynamics freely with the shared version. I suspect this type of world within world morphing capability is possible with custom script additions to the Blender model elements and rendering programming.
Blender Model (Will update same filename over time or post new links)
The aetherial fluid appears to be a ‘quantum’ type superfluid (ex: Superfluid Helium videos on Youtube). I like to imagine it with Penrose-Tiling such that any geometry that follows the “rules” of the “game of life” - (See Conway’s Game of Life on youtube of Wolfram’s Cellular Automata).
Another key aspect I suspect will be the maximum Entropy condition at surface and how it affects light and why it is at a maximum condition compared to the ground below our feet and sky above our heads. (Ex: old bones that literally move only small amounts over time as they get burried and become more and more stable basic rocks/etc. Conversely the sky has constellations that appear to only change ever so slightly over time. The surface of the earth and all life forms based on Microtubules or Tektite Carbon Tubes is likely the most basic form and ingredient for life - especially when the tubes become filled with water to have multiple unique electromechanical resonating properties. i have lots and lots I need to share with this community. Not wanting to over-hype, or sound like Lord Steven Christ lol… but many of these things did come to me in visions/dreams over time. I presume for the purpose to share here.
My chat log below for reference as well on context.
I have a 3d print lab plastic and metal available… I may end up drawing up a model. Afraid to post to any public repository as strangely none exist. Makes me worry its being censored if any do pop up. Give me a few days… hah. I want a desk piece too. The owner of 3D print lab is a Flat Earther currently. I have him curious, so sending it to him will be a fun conversation!